The other day, unmotivated and with a terrible feeling of helplessness (without dramatizing...hahaha) for having finished the last series I was watching, I opened the Movistar+ Menu aimlessly and without hope to see if I could find something. The series that had ended was Revenge -yes, I say it without any shame-, a kind of Falcon Crest but engaging, what is going to be done…
The fact is that, although I have a longer shopping list than the month's shopping list of recommendations from friends... I started gossiping on the grill in search of something that would get me hooked again.
And there I was, command in hand when I found myself face to face with “Look what you've done”. In the image a couple lying in bed with a baby crossed and with Berto Romero as the protagonist and creator. I then remembered a book by Berto that a very good friend lent me when we were going to be parents of the first baby, which was dedicated to the father: “Father , the last monkey”. It was great! The view of parenthood from the father's point of view.
The series is not wasted. At the moment there is a season of 6 very short episodes that are not enough because in the first 5 minutes you already want to see the entire series.
It's hilarious and provides a super realistic and brutal vision of what the first months of motherhood are like: having everyone give their opinion about what happens to your baby when he cries, driving you crazy looking for the perfect little trick to make him fall asleep, which nursery to choose... the world of endless number of scenes that have happened to almost all of us, but with a touch of humor that made me cry with laughter.
Who hasn't gone half crazy with the temperature of the room? or the layers you have to put on a newborn at birth? or touching a breast to know which one you get for the next feed? ...very realistic. Things that people don't really tell about motherhood.
It is true that it is normal for not all the circumstances to come together, but hence the touch of humor and exaggeration. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a television series.
I recommend it to everyone, but many new parents will totally identify with it.
Go to sleep in a very good mood
By Triana Bermudez